Strawberry Bavarois & Lemon Grenadine Recipe
Thursday 23 July 2015

This recipe for strawberry bavarois & lemon grenadine was developed by the head chef at Gordon Ramsay's Savoy Grill restaurant.
Prep time: 60 mins
Cook time: 10 mins
Total time: 70 mins
Yield: Serves 2
- 200g strawberry puree
- 200g double cream
- 3 leaves of gelatine
- 250g double cream
- 250g milk
- 100g egg yolks
- 100g sugar
Lemonade granité
- 100ml lemon juice 1 lime zest
- 100ml stock syrup 2 cans of sprite
- 1 lemon's zest
1. Make a sauce anglaise by heating the cream and milk to just boiling
2. Mix the yolks and sugar together and then pour on the hot cream mix
3. Return to a low heat and cook slowly untill the thickened, be careful
not to over heat or boil as it will scramble
4. Take off the heat and mix in the geletine
5. Add the srawberry purée and pass through a seive and cool down
6. Whip the double cream to a soft peak and fold into the cold bavarois mix
7. Pour into indiviual moulds and set in the fridge
For the Granité:
Mix the granité ingredients together and set in the freezer untill frozen, once frozen scrape with a fork to make a snow effect and let set in the freezer again untill needed
To finish:
Remove the bavarois from the fridge and unmould on to plates serve with the granité and some fresh strawberries