Short Rib Beef Burger with Chimichurri Mayonnaise
Burger mix
- 200g prime rib or short rib mince
- 1 tbsp of salt
- 1 tbsp of ketchup
- 1 tbsp of ground pepper
Burger toppings
- Two burger buns
- One salad tomato, sliced
- Handful of gherkins
- Slice of Monterey Jack cheese
Chimichurri mayonaise
- 1/2 tsp crushed chillis
- Pinch of dried oregano
- 2 tbsp paprika powder
- 100ml red wine vinegar
- 1 bulb of finely chopped garlic
- One onion, finely chopped
- 75g parsley, finely chopped
- 50ml lemon juice
- 200ml plain mayonnaise
Cooking instructions
For the burger mix:
- Mix the short rib beef mince with the other ingredients in a bowl.
- Using your hands, mix the ingredients into two patties.
For the chimichurri mayonnaise:
- In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients together so that they are combined well together.
- Add extra seasoning, if required, and taste.
To cook the burger:
- Cook the burger on a pre-heated barbecue or griddle for 4-5 minutes on each side, or until done.
- Toast the burger buns under the grill for a minute, before adding a slice of Monterey Jack to each burger to finish the burgers off under the grill.
- Top the burger with the chimichurri mayo, a slice of tomato and gherkins.